Essential Legal Strategies for Reducing Taxes, Avoiding Lawsuits & Protecting Your License Natalyn Lewis, Legally Mine, N. Orem, UT, USA
Dental and medical professionals have unfortunately become all-too-easy targets for MANY trial attorneys! Learning how to use legal entities is vital to protect everything they have worked hard to achieve. Setting up C-Corps, S-Corps, and LLCs is only part of the answer to this rapidly growing issue. This course will instruct attendees on how to protect one of their most important assets, their dental or medical license. Even if they aren’t sued for a larger amount than what their malpractice insurance covers, all dental and medical professionals will encounter being investigated and possibly sanctioned for issues UNRELATED to the reported lawsuit. Utilizing these legal tools, in many cases, can decrease malpractice insurance costs and drastically reduce their income taxes – all while keeping their name and license from being reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB).
Educational Objectives
- Maintain the focus on improved patient care rather than malpractice defense.
- Improve overall professional success by structuring assets for lawsuit protection and prevention.
- Apply risk management techniques that improve and enhance fiscal efficiency.
- Acquire an understanding of basic dental and medical-legal tools that are available to help decrease unnecessary loss of revenue.
Presented June 17, 2020
Cross-Coding: Incorporating Medical Billing for Laser Dentistry Rose Nierman, RDH, Nierman Practice Management, Tequesta, FL, USA
As dentistry continues to shift toward oral-systemic wellness, more dental procedures are being recognized as medically necessary and being covered under major health insurance plans and policies. Dental practices are recognizing the significant benefits to offering medical insurance reimbursement such as increased case acceptance, expanded referral networks, and increased revenue. Cross-coding practices that utilize the patient’s medical insurance are maximizing the patients’ benefits and giving them easier access to much-needed care. In this lecture, attendees will learn how to incorporate cross-coding and medical billing into their office. The discussion will include the services that can potentially be covered by medical insurance, including laser procedures such as frenectomies and treatment of mucositis and pain conditions. Also covered will be the requirements for receiving reimbursement and a step-by-step guide for how to get started.
Educational Objectives
- Discover which laser dental procedures can be covered under medical insurance.
- Understand what is needed to bill medical insurance for laser dentistry services.
- Determine how to get started with billing medical insurance in dentistry.
Presented June 3, 2020
ALD Organization Disclosure - Disclaimer on Protocols and Opinions
The views expressed and opinions and materials presented during a presentation represent the personal views and opinions of the individual speakers and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Academy of Laser Dentistry. The Education Committee of the Academy of Laser Dentistry may review content only as it relates to topics within the Curriculum Guidelines and Standards for Dental Laser Education. The Academy of Laser Dentistry assumes no responsibility for the content of the presentations made by individual speakers pertaining to protocols for laser treatment. Any suggested protocols for treatment may be based upon the speakers' own clinical experience and should not be construed as Academy of Laser Dentistry recommended protocols.