2021 - A Year to Lift Each Other Up

By Gail Siminovsky, CAE - ALD Executive Director

I hope you are all safe and well. For me and my family, we are well and leaning on one another with love and support. I became a new grandma on January 3 with the arrival of my grandson, so all is good when we can celebrate life. I approach every day with a positive outlook. My day starts very early with quiet thinking about how I can spread joy and be helpful to you and the ALD community. Lifting each other up in ways that help our patients and help each other is ALD’s focus for 2021. I invite you to JOIN US as we all experience new ways to communicate, learn, live, care, and spread love in our world.



“I invite you to JOIN US as we all experience new ways to communicate, learn, live, care, and spread love in our world.”

ALD is excited to launch the 28th Annual Conference in a VIRTUAL FORMAT April 8-10, 2021. As 2021 continues to present us with a global pandemic, political unrest in the US and around the world, ALD will focus on the opportunities and the responsibilities we have to each other. 

New and veteran members ALERT - Learn without traveling!


Take this opportunity to learn lasers from your home or office without having to travel. What a fabulous opportunity for laser education! The April 8-10 live event also promises networking and ways to ‘see’ each other.  We are working diligently to learn new ways to deliver a conference experience for you, albeit, we know no one really wants to sit in front of a computer monitor to learn. Well my friends, let’s see how we can pivot and make it work well. 

2021 is THE year to reach beyond borders for global collaboration to benefit your patients. We are all leaders in changing the face of dentistry to a kinder, gentler delivery of care. I invite you to join in learning with us. 

Take advantage of these unprecedented times, low registration rates and extraordinary value.  Join in Lifting Each Other Up with the Academy of Laser Dentistry. 


My fond regards,

Gail S. Siminovsky, CAE

Executive Director


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