Managing Inflammation (during a Pandemic!)
Tanya Dunlap, PhD
Treatment for periodontal disease has always been a little like a carousel ride, and now add all of the complications of a pandemic. Laser therapy is an excellent way to treat gingival infections without aerosols, but what do you offer patients between office visits? The biofilm just grows back. In a Covid-19 world, a healthy immune system takes on new significance and any chronic inflammation taxing the immune system needs attention.
Non-aerosol prescription tray therapy delivers hydrogen peroxide gel deep into periodontal pockets to fight gingival infections and to decrease inflammation, bleeding, and pocket depths. It’s a great adjunct to laser therapy and it solves a few problems. You can prescribe trays for patients with delayed care (you just need someone to take an impression) and offer a proven therapy until they can get an appointment. Because hydrogen peroxide kills coronaviruses, this peroxide-based therapy can be implemented to reduce the risk of oral transmission of the virus via saliva.
Come to the course to learn how to integrate Rx tray therapy into your periodontal protocols and how to add an extra layer of protection for your team and your patients.
Educational Objectives:
- Identify the benefits and limitations of hydrogen peroxide for biofilm control and what we know about peroxide and coronavirus.
- Summarize how and why antimicrobials with oxidative and oxygenating reactions more effectively manage biofilms.
- Differentiate the two protocols for Rx tray therapy and good patient candidates for each.
Tanya Dunlap, PhD is the Managing Director at Perio Protect, where she has worked since 2005. For several years she served as the research liaison for the company, working with researchers and investigators who were testing Perio Tray® therapy in controlled clinical trials and microbiological studies. Her expertise on this adjunctive periodontal therapy is grounded in the data, explaining how the prescription trays work and which patient candidates can benefit from them.
Perio Protect LLC markets the prescription Perio Tray® and provides CE on minimally invasive periodontal treatment with adjunctive Perio Tray therapy. Results from Perio Tray delivery include reductions in inflammation and bleeding, decreases in pocket depths, whiter teeth and fresher breath. More than 20,000 dental professionals have attended Perio Protect courses and hundreds of thousands of patients have received prescription Perio Trays since the company’s founding in 2005.
Recorded July 15, 2020
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The views expressed and opinions and materials presented during a presentation represent the personal views and opinions of the individual speakers and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Academy of Laser Dentistry. The Education Committee of the Academy of Laser Dentistry may review content only as it relates to topics within the Curriculum Guidelines and Standards for Dental Laser Education. The Academy of Laser Dentistry assumes no responsibility for the content of the presentations made by individual speakers pertaining to protocols for laser treatment. Any suggested protocols for treatment may be based upon the speakers' own clinical experience and should not be construed as Academy of Laser Dentistry recommended protocols.