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Dental Laser Standard Level Course & Laser Assisted Esthetic Periodontology
Thursday, June 27, 2024, 8:00 AM to Friday, June 28, 2024, 5:00 PM EST
Category: Lecture & Hands-On

Dental Laser Standard Level Course & Laser Assisted Esthetic Periodontology

Date: June 27-28, 2024

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Instructor: Walid Altayeb, DDS, MSc, PhD


Course Description:
Day 1: Dental Laser Standard Level Course, the standard level course in laser dentistry is a pre-requisite for all dentists, nurses, dental assistants and dental hygienists to handle any kind of LASER devices. It provides a basic level of education in LASER usage and includes specific device instruction with demonstrated proficiency in didactic and hands-on knowledge. LASER safety is an important issue and all those who are involved in LASER dentistry must be equipped with the knowledge of the wavelengths, user settings, care and maintenance of the device. Further, international bodies governing laser safety issues require all organizations housing laser devices to have a certified laser safety officer. This course provides all the required knowledge and documentation for laser safety officers. Apart from general considerations in LASER practice, specific uses of LASERs in various fields of dentistry will be discussed along with tips on LASER practice management.  The Standard Level Course is the basic level of education in dental laser usage, including specific laser proficiency and laboratory knowledge. The course requires didactic scientific education and clinical cases review as well as additional hands-on simulation on animal jaw’s samples.


At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
1.Outline basic laser physics
2.Explain the biologic laser tissue interaction
3.Demonstrate the clinical applications of lasers in different dental fields
4.Select among different laser wavelengths
5.Review the indications of lasers in specific soft tissues procedures
6.List the indications of lasers in specific hard tissues procedures
7.Defend dental lasers in the treatment of periodontal disease
8.Evaluate and compare the efficacy of different laser wavelengths in implant surgery
9.Illustrate intra-oral applications of photobiomodulation
10.Utilize the recommended standards in laser safety

Day 2: Laser Assisted Esthetic Periodontology The popularity of smile enhancement therapy has increased the rationale for dental esthetic procedures to create a symmetrical and harmonious relationship between the gingival architecture, mouth, and surrounding facial structures. This one-day course delivers all the necessary knowledge and steps to successfully diagnose and provide a treatment plan, as well as explain the safe applications of laser wavelengths and operational parameters during surgical crown lengthening and gingival depigmentation.

1.Outline the applications of laser usage in esthetic dentistry.
2.Describe the concept of bio-esthetics in periodontology and how lasers could serve to achieve it.
3.Review of the classification and treatment planning for gummy smile.
4.Demonstrate the surgical techniques when performing esthetic crown lengthening with lasers.
5.Compare flap and flapless esthetic crown lengthening using lasers.
6.Evaluate and compare the efficacy of different laser wavelengths in removal of gingival hyperpigmentation.
7.Plan the soft tissue preparation prior to prosthetic treatments.
8.Adapt the correct laser parameters to achieve excellent esthetic result.


Sponsored by: Pioon Dental Laser


Contact Phone:
+60 12-737 7624 / +66 93 906 3882


Contact Email:
[email protected] / [email protected]