Why Donate?
Since the 2004 inception, the ALD spend is over $120,000 to honor 37 students from 6 countries: Australia, USA, Japan, India, Turkey, United Kingdom. Since 2018, $56,000 in Research Grants funds have been provided to 6 researchers at 4 universities. Join our supporters that have allowed the Academy to achieve its $100,000 development goal established for this program. The funds continue to grow, are temporarily restricted and only the interest earned plus a small percentage of annual contributions are earmarked for yearly use to propel the program and safeguard its future.


The Dr. Eugene M. Seidner Student Scholarship and Research Grants Program are intended to promote the advancement of dental laser education and clinical research. The program encourages undergraduate and graduate dental students in the different dental disciplines to deepen their knowledge of the use of lasers in dentistry. It provides research grant funds and financial assistance enabling successful applicants to present their work at the Academy's annual conference and by doing so aims to advance the study of lasers and their correct and safe use in dentistry.
2024-25 ALD Seidner Research Grants Presentations & Awards
- The next Research Grants application window is planned for Fall 2024.
- Dr. Eugene Seidner Student Big Check Research Grants Ceremony in 2019

2019 Seidner Research Grant Awardees Dr. Yujin Ohsugi and Dr. Sayaka Katagiri (3rd and 4th from left), Chris Walinski (right), University of Tennessee with ALD Seidner Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Ana Trilioris (President 2011), Dr. Chuck Hoopingarner (2017), and Dr. Glenda Payas (2013)
In 2020, ALD selected 2 recipients for Research Grants.
2020 Title of Project: Novel bone regenerative therapy: sequential microarray analysis of Er:YAG laser ablated bone tissue and the modification of gene expression in osteocyte and osteoblast Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Department of Periodontology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Science
Name: Yujin Ohsugi, DDS, PhD Grant: $9030 Mentor: Dr Akira Aoki
2020 Title of Project: Clinical and Microbiologic Outcomes of Adjunctive Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy in the Non-Surgical Treatment of Peri-Implant Disease University of Texas Health School of Dentistry at Houston Department of Periodontics and Dental Hygiene, DDS, 2nd year Resident, Marcos Garcia, DDS, Resident Grant: $11,334 Mentors: Dr. Juliana Barros, Dr. Shalizeh Patel
What is the primary objective and purpose of these grants? The primary purpose of this grant is for pilot data to generate interest in future major grant funding. The Dr. Eugene M. Seidner Research Grant is intended to promote the advancement of dental laser technology education and clinical research. Up to $20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars) may be awarded annually to individuals to promote basic and applied clinical research for the uses of lasers in dentistry. This could be for a student research project and/or a clinical grant. These include, but are not limited to, biological responses to light, novel or innovative clinical protocols and procedures, laser device development, novel approaches to lasers in dentistry education, initiatives to enhance public acceptance of lasers, and behavioral approaches to using lasers in clinics. The project has to broadly assess the role of lasers in dentistry, irrespective of the nature of laser use for surgical, diagnostic, antimicrobial, photobiomodulation, photodynamic therapy, imaging, or biomaterials applications. Research proposals on competing designs or devices are not encouraged.
Who is eligible and how do researchers apply? The primary applicant, or at least one team member, must be a member(s) of the Academy of Laser Dentistry for the past 3 years prior to application. The applicants should be able to demonstrate they are capable of conducting research that meets the primary objective of this award. There are no age or citizenship requirements. Applications may be downloaded or received by contacting the Academy of Laser Dentistry. Investigators from any scientific or academic discipline and at any stage of their career may apply for a grant. These awards are appropriate for new investigators and those changing areas of research or resuming research careers. We aim to open grant applications in 2022.
Purpose The purpose of the Dr. Eugene Seidner Research Grants Program is to support basic and applied scientific investigation in the field of laser dentistry. A primary purpose of this grant is for pilot data to generate interest in future major grant funding.
Institutional Relationships The award is made to the sponsoring institution on the behalf of the awardee. The institution must have the environment and general resources suitable for conducting research as stated in the application. A letter of support from the dean or director of the institution must be enclosed with the application. The investigator is directly responsible to the sponsoring institution for the proper conduct of the project and management of the funds.
Grant Funding and Allowable Uses This grant is funded by the Academy of Laser Dentistry Dr. Eugene Seidner Scholarships and Grants donations and is administered through the Academy to support basic and applied scientific investigation in the field of lasers in dentistry. Academy of Laser Dentistry and donors underwrite the funds for the Dr. Eugene Seidner Research Grants Program. Distribution of the funds is administered through the Dr. Eugene Seidner Board of Trustees (SBOT) selected by the ALD Board of Directors.
The funds awarded are to be used only for direct support of the proposed research, including: technical assistance; supplies; purchasing and/or maintaining laboratory animals; purchase of relevant equipment and instruments; data analysis; preparation of manuscripts and travel to professional meetings related to the project. Indirect cost allocation is prohibited. The award may not be applied to activities sponsored by consulting firms of businesses with which the awardee may be associated nor for costs related to degree completion (tuition) or salary. The funds may be added to resources provided by other entities.
Applicants may request up to $20,000 (total costs) for the entire budget to fund the project for up to a two-year grant period. Successful applicants who require additional time to perform the proposed research may request extensions of the grant period without additional funds. This grant is not renewable; however, grantees under this program are encouraged to apply for a regular Research Project Grant to a Federal agency, e.g., the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Veterans Administration, or the Department of Defense, to maintain continuity in their studies.
The Application Process A detailed application is required for consideration. The next application window is planned for 2023-2024. The nature of the investigation, funding, the application review and selection process, deliverables from the applicant, the scoring system and procedures, and grant review process is outlined in the application. The proposed project may be related to, but the aims must be distinctly different from, those of pending grant applications. The request may be used to supplement projects currently supported by Federal or non-Federal funds or to provide interim support for projects under review.
Dr. Eugene Seidner Board of Trustees Dr. Ana Triliouris, Chair - [email protected] Dr. Glenda Payas - [email protected] Dr. Charles Hoopingarner - [email protected] Dr. Christopher Walinski -[email protected] Gail Siminovsky, CAE - [email protected]
For additional information, contact Gail Siminovsky, CAE, Executive Director, [email protected] or call the ALD headquarters office 954-346-3776.